There is something about lighting that when it's not the most functional it is often the most enlightening. These pieces from Innermost are all about the emotive qualities of light rather than being purely task-oriented. Although, I wouldn't want to try and read a book with their "asteroid" light, I most definitely would love one glowing to the side of me while I sipped a … [Read more...]
Whether you are going back to school, have kids going back to school, or just want a good excuse to stock up on office supplies, these picks are for you. Some great back to school / back to work items from independent designers. FEATURING: + natural recycled pencils, $3.99/2, nothing elegant + ultimate back to school folder, $12, ragged edge + vintage fabric laptop case, … [Read more...]
from japan with love
Despite spending a little too much time in Japan than was good for me...or my mental status. I still have a lot of affection for the country, the people and those gosh darn cute, albeit unnecessary, objects. Packaging in Japan is an art form, even at the most basic store level. Go and buy a pack of envelopes and you're sure to leave the shop with it wrapped exquisitely … [Read more...]
Let me say this, I 100% admire the makers at the Makers Fair. I mean making a live webstreaming instrument out of a quarter, 2 egg cartons and 29" old modem cable - that's amazing! I didn't see it, but I know it's possible because the makers/inventors at the Makers Fair do that kind of thing for breakfast....probably. But I didn't just go to the Makers Fair so my husband and … [Read more...]
It's easy to talk the talk, about environmental this and energy efficiency that. Sometimes it isn't so easy to walk the walk. Living in the Bay area, but out of the fog bank, there is plenty sun to power my whole life through solar energy. Cost is a factor, and a big one, but a bigger factor is laziness. Today was a mini breakthrough, I put my laundry out to dry in … [Read more...]