Oh my goodness, now these are some gorgeous bags! I was recently introduced to Riva bags through Stylehive. Tel Aviv designer, Riva Naroshevitch's, bags are wonderfully sculptural and simple. I have no idea how much these bags are, if they are available in the US...but if you are in Tel Aviv on Fridays 11am to 3pm, the studio is open! www.designsbyriva.com … [Read more...]
What the WHAT!
Yes, I have finally launched WHAT designers. I am still ironing some kinks....such as why-o-why is the store taking so long!! Check it out at: www.whatdesigners.com … [Read more...]
Chimps Ahoy!
You don't get to say it often, but when the opportunity arises you should try these words ~ "Sure, it's behind the chimp!". I first said it to the workman who came in to fix the fridge - and it felt great. Yes, at long last, I have the OneUp chimp on my bathroom door (see #1). And what better way to celebrate than to show a selection of chimps and monkeys from independent … [Read more...]
oxo tower xoxo
I'm back in California after a month in England. I squeezed in one more day to look at independent design with a visit to the South Banks', Oxo Tower. If the East End is a hot bed of new designers, then the Oxo Tower is definitely the place to go to see designers ready to take their work to the next level. Located on the South Bank and a short walk to the Tate Modern - the … [Read more...]
feeling restless
Printed on vintage love letters, envelopes, and book pages - artist Olivia Jeffries works are sweet and surreal. The illustrations are just lovely in the best possible way and wryly retro. But when printed or drawn over old correspondence, the works become infused with a bittersweet soul. Available through the artist's etsy store. … [Read more...]