I just love little black bags. Discreet, but large enough to hold the essentials - lipstick, credit card, keys. Sabrina Love's bags are delightfully classic, but modern at the same time. You can almost imagine Audrey Hepburn plucking some girlish necessity from within! LEFT: + barcelona clutch, $238, sabrina love (available through WHAT designers) RIGHT: + arnica … [Read more...]
…and a cuddly toy
If you grew up in 70's England and watched Bruce Forsythe, you would know that there was ALWAYS a cuddly toy on the conveyer belt. If you didn't, you won't know what I am talking about. Anyway, I love these alternatives to the cute and cuddly. These loveable outsiders are available online directly from the designers, except Pablo who is avaible through Modern … [Read more...]
art + design :: christian kent + scrapile
The artwork is by Christian Kent, a Queens NY based artist. The piece is Red Queen, Acrylic on Canvas, 2004. Also check out his etchings; as a former student of printmaking, I appreciate what his etchings accomplish. His biomorphic style adds a wonderful and warm dimension to a medium that is inherintley "hard" - metal, acid, ink. The bench is by scrapile and made from … [Read more...]
the art of wood
When Joe Futschik of JefDesigns emailed me about his new collection of silkscreen wood panels, I was amazed by the design and touched by the sentiment. One of the pieces, Fritillia, was dedicated to his mother who died from cancer early this year. Each one is a signed limited edition print and feature a variety of sea creatures. What I love about JefDesigns, is that the work … [Read more...]
out fox
'Tis nearly the season for the little black dress....but before you go boutique and mall hopping, try out the work of these independent fashion designers. You'll be sure to turn heads in a glamorous way while still showing your independent spirit! CLOCKWISE: + blouse and skirt, $354, ouvrez la porte + salon dress, $151, twospace + retro mic dress, $100, kahri + sissu … [Read more...]