We used to have a cat, Mr Bones, with somewhat of a felt fetish, but that’s another story…..felt itself has had a bit of a resurgence lately; less crafty and more modern.
The engineering of the UM Carry felt bag, $95, by Josh Jakus (top) – rethinks typical bag construction with beautiful efficiency. Being made from industrial felt excess, the bags are eco-friendly by using material that would otherwise go to waste.
When Melina and Dodd Raissnia of Peace Industry (lower left) went to Iran in 2001 looking for felt rug makers, they found an almost extinct art. Since then the husband and wife team have invigorated the craft by forming their own workshop in Iran. Sustainable, made with incredibly rich natural dyes and one of the few “fair trade” rugs available, make these gorgeous rugs a not-so-guilty pleasure. Several of Melina’s designs have an industrial feel; the polar opposite to how these rugs are actually made.
Finally, the Flying Carpet rug, $2183, by Nanimarquina – is a bit of a cheat since only the wedges are felt. It’s modern, loungy and kids will love it. It comes in a couple of colors, but you can’t beat astro turf green. All Nanimarquina rugs are made in collaboration with Care and Fair which ensures that child labor is not used. (An appalling and dirty little secret is that many rugs are made by children.)
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