Let me say this, I 100% admire the makers at the Makers Fair. I mean making a live webstreaming instrument out of a quarter, 2 egg cartons and 29″ old modem cable – that’s amazing! I didn’t see it, but I know it’s possible because the makers/inventors at the Makers Fair do that kind of thing for breakfast….probably.
But I didn’t just go to the Makers Fair so my husband and I could wrestle our children and stop them from making their very own science project out of the Slurpee that I just bought them. I went because of my commitment to seeing new and interesting design. Of course, the emphasis was hard-core craft, but this work would stand on it own in any design store.
If I had to choose a favorite, it would have to be the cardboard surfboard. Built by a surfer when his old board was no longer seaworthy and he didn’t have the cash to buy a new one. Not only does this designer capture the DIY spirit, but the resulting board is stunning to look at.
+ xtra large hook earrings, $52, sasha bell jewelry
+ sonia platter, $28, ezme designs
+ carnival gone mad t-shirt, $25, fat rabbit farm
+ cardboard surfboard, from $196 for a kit, sheldrake
+ t-shirt graphic illustrations, $26, martin hsu
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