I am such a lucky girl! My husband recently returned from a conference in Vegas with a superb Teno ring. Now if I wasn't such a darn romantic, I might be asking myself "did something happen in Vegas that stayed in Vegas". Besides it was shiny and I didn't go beyond "it's shiny and it's mine!" But sometimes the best gift can be loving yourself....and what better way to say "I … [Read more...]
Teal is such a fun little color - somewhere between the navy of mid winter and the light aqua of early summer. I would go so far to say that teal is the color that says "you know, I think the economy will turn around soon...I'm going to buy something I don't need". Whatever your opinion of the economy or the my anthropomorphous obsession with color, I'm sure you'll agree … [Read more...]
designer VANPEY
Maybe it's because I spent time in Japan that I appreciate the use of unused or under used space for storage. Futons that roll up, and bedding that gets stowed under tatami floors. In many older buildings, including my 1940's home, the hallway is central to the home and a prime example of underused space. German designer, Vanpey, has turned this space into a storage haven … [Read more...]
to a tee
T-shirts are ubiqitous, and here in the Bay Area you can get away with wearing one to any occasion...probably/possibly/maybe. Whatever your style, there are millions of designs from independent designers to cheap-chic chains like Target. Still despite it's humble roots as *gasp* undies, the t-shirt seems to be stirring up a bit of a class war between indie designers and … [Read more...]
I absolutely love the work of Bailey Doesn't Bark's designer, Re Jin Lee. It's a combination of tea time etiquette with a healthy dose of wry humor. Whether it's ants crawling over a cup or kitch icon, the flamingo, elegantly adorning a salt and pepper shaker, there always something more than meets the eye. Still, what do you expect from a company named after what a dog, … [Read more...]