What is a coffee shop bag? It's practical, but still a bit of a statement. It can't be too small. It's the sort of bag you can throw on your shoulder with just keys and $5 just to step out for 15 minutes of peace - or throw in your latest read and hunker down for a few hours. FEATURING: + MOOP, the fraulein tote, $121 + ENJU, snap dragon bag, $75 + PACO+LUPE, chocolate … [Read more...]
home for the holidays
If you are looking for the perfect hostess gift or a gift for a friend, you can't go wrong with these homely delights. The calendar from INK+WIT is a favorite - I have one - and would equally fit in a country kitchen as in a modern loft. It is letterpress printed on beautiful thick card stock and just so delightful. FEATURING (clockwise from top left): + THE … [Read more...]
It's no secret - I love jewelry! A necklace is one of the few things that doesn't seem to grow snugger, the more into the holiday season we get. This also makes jewelry, the perfect gift. Just like the black bags I featured, no one is going to run crying into the bedroom because that bracelet makes me look like a sausage. FEATURING: + SIMONE WALSH, victorian cut out … [Read more...]
pop goes new jersey
I did a little bit of ebay "research" recently which resulted in a few pop art buys from Orbit Gallery in New Jersey. (Top: L to R) Space Monkey by Dalek, Microgerm by Tim Biskup, and Bone Bunny by Gary Baseman. I am also smitten by Nathan J's, Tree Dweller (below). … [Read more...]
art seen: water, water
I am fascinated by these enigmatic, water-inspired pieces. Both artists' work - not just the pieces shown - are filled with a sense of impending doom. Crane's work seems to be wry, antisocial and just a little bit paranoid - hey, that sounds like me. Corace's work has a sweet sensibility; her characters seem both vunerable and optimistic, but ulimately you just feel that they … [Read more...]